Jean Pierre Hirsch
- Official Contact Person of Krav Maga Training for Chile
- 4th level Krav Maga instructor
- Specialist in: anti-terrorism, against explosive bombs, V.I.P. protection, people rescue, tactical parachuting, mountaineering and rescue, land orientation, diving, tactical intelligence, intervention operations, survival, counter-guerrilla, desert combat, mountain ranges, snow and sea, weapons and tactical shooting
- Black Belt 1st dan of Taekwondo (American ATA Organization) – National Champion in 2011 and 2013
- Jin Jung Kwan style Hapkido Instructor
- Kenpo Karate expert and blue belt of Ninjutsu
- 2018 – Chief Officer with a Master’s degree from the Police Science Academy
- 2016 – Degree of Captain of the GOPE Special Operations Course
- 2014 – A month spent in China, in Beijing, by GOPE Special Operations Group with specialisation in ‘anti-plane hijacking’
- 2014 – A month spent in Ecuador as a tactical parachuting instructor certifying the Special Operations personnel of the ‘GOE’ group of Ecuador
- 2013 – Chief Instructors in Defensive Tactics training with the Montgomery Police (U.S.A.)
- 2010 – Recruited as a Professor in the field of Self Defence of the GOPE Special Operations Course
- 2007 – Marine Corps Close Combat Course, held by the U.S. Army, in hand to hand combat techniques
- 2004 – Specialisation in Police Self Defence in the GOPE Special Operations Course
- 2000 – Diploma of Police Officer (Order and Security) and Judo Diploma at the School of Officers of the Chilean Carabineros
- 1991 – 1st place in the National Championship of Taekwondo, of the World Federation WTF